In progress: Deer + Pipos Dali BJD

Not much is new with me other than I’m continuing to work 60-70hr weeks on the movie G-Force. I have a few deer in progress that should be finished by this upcoming weekend. I also have a couple plush pieces in progress for an upcoming gallery show (but I’ll save that for a future post).

Since I’ve been working long hours, I decided to treat myself to a Pipos Dali grey rabbit BJD. She’s fully articulated and came with default makeup and blue eyes (which I plan on eventually swapping out for another colour). She is wearing a Blythe dress made by HiBlythe. I have 3 other full sized BJD’s, but they are all in storage (along with sooo many other things >_>). Pipos Dali is only 12 inches high, so she’s much more portable. I luff her! ♥

[Pipos Dali BJD (photo by me) I really like how the 50mm f/1.4 lens made everything soft yet kept her eye in sharp focus– I was just testing out this lens, and now I really want to get my own!. (More pics here.)]

Just for fun: Alice In Wonderland costume, white rabbit + tea party

This weekend I attended the Alice In Wonderland Mad Tea Party at Royal/T, hosted by Valley Of The Dolls. I dressed up as Alice, and my best friend dressed up as an awesome white rabbit (see pic below!). 🙂 I bought the costume off of Ebay, and it came with a plain white apron. I decided to customize the apron to give it more of a personal touch. I cut card symbols out of felt in the size I wanted and hand-sewed them onto the apron, and then added lace along the bottom. The picture on the dress packaging suggested white socks, but I went with black & white stripes instead (because I’m a big Tim Burton fan!). I wore my black mary jane Vans that have little grey skulls all over them. My necklace is hiding in my dress (doh!), but it’s a vintage key I bought from TimeTravelTeaParty on Etsy.

I also made a white rabbit as an accessory with my costume, but I ended up leaving it at home because I had a real life white rabbit instead. 😉

The Mad Tea Party at Royal/T was a lot of fun. First of all, Royal/T is an incredible place to begin with… it’s a gallery/store/restaurant/cafe all in one. I try to have lunch here at least once a week (since I work so close by). The waitresses are dressed as French Maids… too cute! This place is so special that it occasionally attracts celebrities. Just two weeks ago I had lunch across from Tim Burton!

There were lots of people dressed up in Alice In Wonderland themed costumes (Chesire Cat, Queen of Hearts, Playing Cards, etc) and there were lots of cute Gothic Lolitas. There was a huge display of BJDs, Pullips and Blythes brought by doll collectors. The white rabbit and I ordered High Tea which came with yummy snacks, delicious desserts and Tokyo Breakfast Tea. I also met Scot, owner of Valley Of The Dolls, who was very dashing dressed as The Mad Hatter in a top hat and coat and tails. My favourite costume by far was the adorable bunny girl:

There was a raffle for the Alice In Wonderland series of Pullip dolls, Tarina Tarantino was debuing her sparkly Queen Alice jewelery line, and there was also a vibrant fashion show by Flopi. It was a really fun event and a great excuse to dress up as one of my favourite storybook characters of all time. 🙂 I can’t wait for the next tea party!

Etsy’s Plush Team: Plushpalooza in the Virtual Labs

Tomorrow from 3-4pm (EST) Etsy’s Plush Team will be hosting a live trunk show in Etsy’s Virtual Labs (in the Gallery Room)! They will be showcasing the newest softies for Spring. Many of Plush Team’s artists will be there to chat with and answer questions (unfortunatley I am unable to make it). It looks like it is going to be a lot of fun! For more information, please see this post over at Plush Team’s blog.

1. Crazy Critter Bunnie Line, 2. Chickenpants Cafe, 3. Raggy Rats baby colours!, 4. Lillebitte, 5. Untitled, 6. Simon, 7. The Ornithopter Finger Puppet, 8. Lime Soda Deer Plush, 9. stuffie, 10. cathead ornament, 11. Annabelle the Aphid, 12. Roquefort the Mouse

Etsy: More New Deer in my shop!

More deer have hit my Etsy shop! They are all in brand new colour combinations:

[On the left] Fifi La Crème Deer loves to sit at her favourite coffee shop and sips on a café au lait as she people watches from behind tinted oversized D&G sunglasses. When she is finished her drink, she drives away on her Vespa towards the Louvre, where she works as a tour guide.
[On the right] Pomegranate Deer likes to prepare for winter by storing the last batch of fruit and vegetables from the garden. She also likes to hang herbs up to dry in the kitchen. When it gets too cold to be outside, she likes to sit indoors by the wood stove with good book to read and a crocheted blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

[On the left] Chocolate Caramel Deer likes to collect stamps and postcards from around the world. She puts them all in a scrapbook she made herself.
[On the right] Red Velvet Cake Deer likes to collect vintage picture frames and paint them all kinds of bright colours. She frames her baby deer’s hoof paintings and hangs them on the wall. She is so proud of her baby deer. 🙂

Lime Soda Deer loves running through freshly cut grass while holding a huge shiny metallic pinwheel. Lime Soda loves the summer and having fun.

Etsy: New Deer in my shop!

New deer have hit my Etsy shop!  They are all in brand new colour combinations:

[On the left] Marmalade Deer likes to have tea parties with her deer friends on Wednesdays at precisely two o’clock in the afternoon. She serves chocolate cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles for dessert. Yum!
[On the right] Pineapple Deer likes to surf huge turquoise waves off the coast of Hawaii. After surfing she lies on the beach with her friends and suntans.

[On the left] Peppermint Tea Deer loves the winter. She likes to build snowmen, go snowshoeing and she likes to eat icicles. After her outdoor winter adventures she goes inside to sip on some hot peppermint tea.
[On the right] Miss Blueberry Pie Deer likes to go antique hunting at the local flea market. She loves buying old furniture and decorations to restore and re-paint.

I’ll be listing more deer this week, so stay tuned! 🙂