Art Show: Sweet + Toxic – Conjoined Deer Twins Plush

Sweet + Toxic were made for the Robots + Monsters group show at Ayden Gallery in Vancouver, BC. Opening Reception: Friday, October 22, 7-11pm. Exhibition runs until Nov 14, 2010

Sweet + Toxic follow their hearts with full force. Their intense love brings them both the most sweetest joy and the most toxic pain. Most of the time the candy coloured duo have a happy outlook on life with their strawberry pink palette and kawaii fabric details.  Their favourite dessert is Strawberry Shortcake and they fight over who gets to eat most of the whipped cream.

I just wanted to say thanks to my Bro who helped me with the finishing details due to my injured hand. Thanks Jess! 🙂

Plush Art Show: Animus + Euphoria + 2 Deer for Plush You 2010

These plushies of mine will be on display at Plush You this year. The opening reception is this Friday from 5-9pm at Schmancy in Seattle, WA. Stop by if you’re in the area!

Animus + Euphoria
Animus’s name was influenced by ‘Animus Vox’, one of my favourite songs by Glitch Mob. As well as symbolizing masculine energy, Animus also means ‘strong dislike’ which I find a contrast to really liking the song Animus Vox! So I thought it was fitting to call the sad-faced sister ‘Animus’, while the happy-faced sister would need to have a positive name — ‘Euphoria’. Their contrasting names were also inspired by the rabbit print on their bellies. The print shows a happy idealistic union of two rabbits. I wanted the sisters to reflect the reality of this union — happy and sad.  One cannot know happiness without experiencing sadness. There are two sides to every coin and these sisters know that very well. Sometimes Animus leads + days are sad. Other times Euphoria makes all the decisions and days are happy. They don’t always agree with where they are going, but they must work together to find a balance in order to move forward. Animus + Euphoria remind us to take each day one step at a time, and to embrace the ups and downs in life.

Strawberry Death Cupcake Deer + Cherry Death Cupcake Deer own the gothic lolita themed cupcake shop in Deerville. They decorate their cupcakes with tiny plastic bats, hissing cats and smiling jack-o-lanterns. Their favourite holiday is Halloween and they cannot wait for it this year because they love dressing up!