Art Show: Sweet + Toxic – Conjoined Deer Twins Plush

Sweet + Toxic were made for the Robots + Monsters group show at Ayden Gallery in Vancouver, BC. Opening Reception: Friday, October 22, 7-11pm. Exhibition runs until Nov 14, 2010

Sweet + Toxic follow their hearts with full force. Their intense love brings them both the most sweetest joy and the most toxic pain. Most of the time the candy coloured duo have a happy outlook on life with their strawberry pink palette and kawaii fabric details.  Their favourite dessert is Strawberry Shortcake and they fight over who gets to eat most of the whipped cream.

I just wanted to say thanks to my Bro who helped me with the finishing details due to my injured hand. Thanks Jess! 🙂

Plush Art Show: Animus + Euphoria + 2 Deer for Plush You 2010

These plushies of mine will be on display at Plush You this year. The opening reception is this Friday from 5-9pm at Schmancy in Seattle, WA. Stop by if you’re in the area!

Animus + Euphoria
Animus’s name was influenced by ‘Animus Vox’, one of my favourite songs by Glitch Mob. As well as symbolizing masculine energy, Animus also means ‘strong dislike’ which I find a contrast to really liking the song Animus Vox! So I thought it was fitting to call the sad-faced sister ‘Animus’, while the happy-faced sister would need to have a positive name — ‘Euphoria’. Their contrasting names were also inspired by the rabbit print on their bellies. The print shows a happy idealistic union of two rabbits. I wanted the sisters to reflect the reality of this union — happy and sad.  One cannot know happiness without experiencing sadness. There are two sides to every coin and these sisters know that very well. Sometimes Animus leads + days are sad. Other times Euphoria makes all the decisions and days are happy. They don’t always agree with where they are going, but they must work together to find a balance in order to move forward. Animus + Euphoria remind us to take each day one step at a time, and to embrace the ups and downs in life.

Strawberry Death Cupcake Deer + Cherry Death Cupcake Deer own the gothic lolita themed cupcake shop in Deerville. They decorate their cupcakes with tiny plastic bats, hissing cats and smiling jack-o-lanterns. Their favourite holiday is Halloween and they cannot wait for it this year because they love dressing up!

Etsy: 5 New Plush Deer

5 New Plush Deer are now available in my Etsy shop! (The light brown one has already been claimed.)

[On the left] Blueberry Lime Deer likes to relax on the beach under a rainbow umbrella with a margarita. She loves sunny summer days.
[On the right] Strawberry Sorbet Deer works in a French bakery and makes all kinds of yummy treats. Her favourite is the éclair, which she looks foward to eating after her shift is over.

[On the left] Blueberry Ice Deer loves to go skating on the frozen pond. He twirls and spins and likes to race his other deer friends. After skating, he likes to sip a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream.
[On the right] Dark Chocolate Deer likes to see old movies from the 30’s + 40’s at a retro art deco style theatre downtown. She dresses up in her (fake) furs, grabs some popcorn + watches dramas and murder mysteries that were made before her parents were born.

Fraise La Crème Deer owns a dressmaking shop in Paris. She uses vintage wedding dress material to make dresses, skirts and hats. She has a weakness for deep fried ice cream which she likes to share with a friend so she doesn’t feel guilty about her indulgence.

Art Show: 3 Plush Deer in “Freaks + Geeks” @ The Fall Tattooing, Part 2

Here are some pics to follow up my previous post about the Freaks + Geeks art show @ The Fall Tattooing in Vancouver. There are only a few more days left to check out this show! It’s located at 644 Seymour Street between Georgia + Dunsmuir.

There was a great eclectic mix of artwork from paintings to photographs to clothing and plush. My favourite piece was (unsurprisingly) a white rabbit hand-cut out of paper. The detail the artist put into creating this piece was unbelievable.

My deer were displayed in a glass case next to a gorgeous handmade Steampunk-esque outfit with corset + furry neck ruff.

I thought these pieces below were pretty dope.

Vanilla Deer sold to a lovely lady on opening night, leaving Strawberry + Licorice Deer standing together under a plush Tooth Fairy doll (with a bottle of real human teeth!).  To the right is 3 small illustrations by tattoo artist/illustrator/curator Nomi Chi ( and just to the right of that is Megz Majewski‘s ( siamese twins painting.

At the end of the night there was a performance by piercing suspensionist Russ Foxx. (Warning: This video is not for the squeamish!)

Art Show: 3 Plush Deer in “Freaks + Geeks” @ The Fall Tattooing, Part 1

These 3 plush deer will be in the Freaks + Geeks art show @ The Fall Tattooing (644 Seymour Street, Vancouver, BC) this Friday, April 9th @ 8:30pm! There will be over 20 artists showcasing their work, as well as live painting, music + drinks! The show runs until April 30th, 2010.  If you’re in Vancouver, come by and check it out! 🙂

Vanilla, Licorice + Strawberry run a cupcake shop and sell what they think are very delicious flavours.  Marshmallows with crickets, Raspberry Tarts with ant legs, and Blueberry Pie with bee wings are just some of the flavours they’re offering.  For some reason their shop isn’t that popular, although they don’t care.  Less customers means more tasty snacks for this trio!

Plush: Sissiboo for Kat Brunnegraff

Sissiboo was made especially for my super talented artist friend Kat Brunnegraff, who wanted a foresty-themed doll. She has an obsession with owls, so I thought it was fitting to name her doll Sissiboo (the word has owl roots… see below) and is also a local name here in Nova Scotia, Canada! 🙂

Sissiboo’s Story:
Sissiboo ran through the winter forest towards the rushing sound of the river. She got to the river’s edge and looked at her surroundings. It was chilly and there was snow on the ground. Parts of the river were frozen, but the stream still found a way through the ice and snow. A Great Horned Owl suddenly swooped down and landed on a stump next to her; sending up a cloud of snowflakes as its wings flapped and folded in.

“Sissiboo, we have a matter to discuss.”, the Owl said as it nodded its head. “I’ve been chatting with my five owl brothers, and we have all agreed that we need to ask you for a favour.”

Sissiboo tilted her head slightly to the left with a curious look on her face.

Owl continued: “The Great Lady Kat of The Dominion of Ohio is one of our oldest friends. She is in great need of a forest companion, and we think you would be best suited for this task. She lives in the Silver Ohio Woods where the princesses and unicorns live and has a great menagerie of animal and monster friends.”

This sounded fantastic, but Sissiboo was a little unsure about leaving her familiar forest behind.

“Lady Kat knows the legendary Argyle Owl”, the Owl added, knowing that would sweeten the deal.

Sissiboo’s eyes widened… “The Argyle Owl!!!!”, she exclaimed, and thought about the magnificent purple and blue bird who sings melodies of rainbows and grants magical wishes. “Oh… when can I leave?! What should I pack? How far away is The Dominion of Ohio, and how do I get there?”, she asked while bouncing on the spot.

Owl chuckled and clicked his beak. “Not to worry dear little one, my five brothers and I will fly you there.”.

Sissiboo closed her eyes and said goodbye to her forest. The Great Owl hooted and flapped his wings. Five identical owls joined Great Owl as they swooped down and picked up Sissiboo gently in their talons. Sissiboo and the Six Owls sailed off into the cloudless sky towards the setting sun, and towards The Great Lady Kat in The Dominion of Ohio. 🙂

Origin of the name:
Sissiboo is the name of a river near the small town of Bear River, Nova Scotia. The legend behind the naming of the Sissiboo River is based upon a Loyalist settler who encountered members of the Mi’kmaq Nation. The Mi’kmaq wanted to show the Loyalist six owls that were in a tree nearby and pointed in the general direction of the tree, saying in French: “six hibou”. The loyalist thought that he was pointing at the river, which was in the same direction, and was saying: “Sissiboo”.

Plush: Boba Fett

Introducing plush Boba Fett! He is a very special commission made especially for Mark Austin, who played Boba Fett in the Special Edition of Star Wars: A New Hope! 🙂

Mark was an animator at ILM when he was asked to play Boba Fett in the new Mos Eisley docking bay sequence with Han Solo + Jabba The Hutt. He was already a huge Boba Fett fan prior to his role in the film, so having the chance to play his favourite character in the Star Wars legacy was amazing experience for him. I met Mark when we were animators on the movie G-Force at Sony Imageworks. Mark saw photos of my Princess Leia + R2D2 plush for the Stitch Wars plush show and asked me to create a plush based on his favourite Star Wars character.

Boba Fett is by far my most detailed and time consuming plush doll to date, but I really enjoyed using image references so I could add lots of little detailed stitching. 🙂

Press: Interview for Electric Playground

I was asked to be one of the artists who was interviewed in the Chuckwa segment for the TV show Electric Playground. Miri was a super sweet host, and asked me about my plush and urban vinyl customs. It was an amazing experience. Check out the video here:

After we figured out the set-up, the camera guy takes footage of the deer.

This was the final set up with my plush deer and Kalua Moola custom.

Inside of the Chuckwa store.

And this is me after the interview was over… happy, relieved and ready for a chai latte at Starbucks! haha.

Plush: Commissions (Deer + Pierrot)

I finished off a couple of plush commissions this week.

First off I made a plush skull deer with mohawk for my awesome friend Troy Stith. (Dude sculpts his own toys! Check out his Flickr, he’s rad.)

The second plush I made was a Pierrot for an awesome customer who wanted her doll to be female (instead of the male Pierrot I made in the past). I’ve named this one “Pierrette”. 🙂

I have more commissions in the works, so expect another post soon! 🙂