Etsy Plush Team: Renegade Chicago Part 2

Plush Team was a big hit at Renegade Chicago this past weekend, despite enduring massive rain storms. Take a look at some of the incredibly talented artists in Plush Team’s booth:

[Plush Team at Renegade, originally uploaded by PterodactylPants Plush.]

And here’s a pic of my plushies saying hello, all the way from Chicago! ^_^

[Follow The White Rabbit at Renegade, originally uploaded by PterodactylPants Plush.]

If you would like to see more plush art that was featured at Plush Team’s booth, please check out more of PterodactylPants Plush photos.

Etsy Plush Team: Renegade Chicago

If you are in the Chicago area this weekend, please stop by Renegade Chicago. It is one of the biggest DIY craft shows in America, with over 300 artists! I will have my plushies for sale there (along with other amazingly talented artists of PT) at Plush Team‘s booth (#70). Please come out and support indie artists! ^_^

Location: Chicago / Division St. between Damen & Hermitage in Wicker Park
Time: September 13th – 14th from 12 noon – 10pm
Cost: Free

Etsy: Plush Deer Redux

I’ve been wanting to redesign my deer for a while now, and I’ve had a bit of time to work on it these past couple of weeks. I decided to make the deer bigger (neck/legs/ears/tail are all longer/bigger), and I redesigned the back legs to make them look more like real deer legs. I flared out the bottom of the feet and put the spots in the middle of the body, instead of just at the back. I added a snout and a nose, and redesigned the eyes. All these changes made the deer 2 inches taller, so it now stands at 8 inches high. There have been quite a bit of changes, but I think it still has the same feel of the old deer, and most importantly, I think it looks more deer-like.

I’m working on restocking my Etsy shop with an assortment of these guys very soon! ^_^

[New Deer on the left, Old Deer on the right]