10 Things Self-Portrait

I was tagged by Leeanna to do another photo “meme” (here’s my previous 16 Things About Me meme), so I needed to take another self portrait. So I took some more pics of myself and had fun experimenting with layers in Photoshop.

Here is the 10 Things About Me List:
1. I’ve eaten crickets and ants willingly. I ordered them at a restaurant. 😀
2. My favourite comfort drink is tea. I drink it every single day.
3. When I was 3yrs old, I assumed the identity of a rabbit for almost a year. My parents were very worried. lol. (Story is here.)
4. I have 2 tattoos and want to get more. The only thing holding me back is deciding on a good design, and the fact that I faint around needles. :S
5. My dream is to live in Europe someday. I’ve been wanting to do this when I first visited the UK with my Grandmother when I was 12.
6. I used to have a Japanese penpal and we wrote letters back and forth for years. We have since lost touch, but I’m happy she was a part of my life.
7. I swear my cat has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)… he gets totally stressed out if I don’t go to bed at a certain time every night.
8. I’m very indecisive with almost everything in my life… except for when it comes to art.
9. I love Spring + Fall, and don’t like Summer + Winter. I don’t like extreme heat or cold. I like it just right.
10. I’m not religious at all. It has no place in my life.

Press: Vinyl Pulse + Twitter

I haven’t posted in a week because I came down with a bad cold and it knocked me out for a few days. 😦 Luckily I’m over it now, but being sick has pushed back my projects by a week, and now I have lots to catch up on. I missed a very important deadline I was aiming for — more to come on that. :S

Anyways, Vinyl Pulse wrote a nice post where they suggested me as someone to follow on Twitter!  Isn’t that sweet! 🙂

In Progress: Kalua Moola Custom, Part 3

Here’s another in progress pic of my Kalua Moola custom for the Artist Crossover Series with Argonaut Resins!  As you can see, I’ve painted a bit more on this guy since my previous post.  I added a teal cloud to the bottom part of his body and his ears, and I’ve drawn the tribal-styled designs on his forehead and I’m painting them in dark purple (I know it looks a bit like black, but it’s really dark purple). Still got a ways to go…

In Progress: Kalua Moola Custom, Part 2

Below is a pic of my Kalua Moola custom with the first 2 or 3 coats of purple paint on him. This paint is very thin and takes several coats to build up a nice smooth opaque look (it took like 10 coats), so that’s why it looks a bit “patchy” right now. I left parts of him white because they will be painted different colours.  You can see my design + colour key sketch in the background. 😉

In this next pic, I’ve finished the purple base coat (you can see it’s nice and opaque after lots of layers), and I’ve started painting his eyes.  I like to start with the eyes because I think that really starts to bring the character and personality alive.  Do you like the yellow paint?  🙂   His nose, ears and bandages will be a different colour, so I’ve left them unpainted for now.

Next I added an outline around the eyes. I think his personality is really starting to come through. You can see what colour his ears will be….

More to come soon…

In Progress: Kalua Moola Custom, Part 1

Here’s a snapshot of my blank Kalua Moola figure waiting to be customized. Look at how tough he is! He’s so ready for me to bring on the paint. I’ve drawn up a few ideas already (you can see some in the pic), and I’m very close to deciding on my final design and I can’t wait to slap on the first layer of paint!

I couldn’t believe it when I first received him — he is hand cast!  I’m so used to the factory made vinyl toys, and have never held an original hand cast vinyl toy before.  It was like seeing an original painting or something, very exciting!  If you’d like to customize your own Kalua Moola figure, then you’re in luck! Argonaut Resins is selling 8 DIY KM figures in their online shop. Grab ’em now because they’re going to sell out fast!

Etsy: More Mini Ghosties + 1 Plush Deer

More plushies hit my Etsy shop today! 7 Mini Ghosties and 1 plush deer:

  • Mini Lime Green Ghostie promotes new growth in any situation.
  • Mini Yellow + Blue Ghostie helps to revitalize you if you are feeling burnt out from too much work.
  • Mini Red Ghostie absorbs all the fears and anxieties around him in an effort to try and make things stable again.
  • Mini Pink + Blue Ghostie helps bring peace to a hurtful relationship.
  • Mini Light Pink Ghostie helps to show there is love in a situation that might seem hopeless.
  • Mini Blue + Pink Ghostie helps bring peace to a hurtful relationship.
  • Mini Lime Green + Pink Ghostie helps to bring out your inner beauty.

Strawberry Cupcake Deer works in a French Confectionery that makes the best sweets available in Deerville. When she’s not selling sugary treats, she likes to browse the local antique shops for treasures and afterward enjoys an afternoon tea at her favourite local cafe.

My very messy Craft Table!

I always like seeing what other people’s craft tables look like, so I thought I’d post a pic of mine as of right this second! It’s so messy and completely unworkable at the moment, but that tends to happen when you have a billion projects on the go.  I added some tags + description to this photo which you can check out over at Flickr.